The world's first knowledge-management based
adaptive training/e-Learning platform
The SkillToolkit Live! training/eLearning platform can help you
to manage your eLearning/blended/offline trainings quickly and cost-effectively:
works as an add-on module to SCORM-based LMSs or as a standalone LMS,
real time online eLearning material Editor, even with wizards from PowerPoint/Word files,
duplication-free eLearning materials & training module system development in LEGO building block style,
analytics with "BIG DATA level" learning tracking data compared to traditional e-learning,
eLearning/blended/offline training organisation, documentation, administration,
marketplace for trainings, training/exams materials, videos, printed books etc.,
the SkillToolkit Live! training/eLearning platform can operate on your own server or in the cloud.
We will set up your eLearning portal in 1 day,
or add it to the functionality of your existing traditional eLearning system!
SkillDict Zrt. has been awarded a grant in the WBGC 2022 "PREP-R - Preparing for the risks of climate change impacts in the Western Balkans region".
SkillDict Zrt. participated in the WBGC 2022 as a sponsor in the framework of the tender "PREP-R - Preparing for the risks related to the effects of climate change in the Western Balkans region", which was awarded to firefighters' associations and students of public education from 3 countries:
The Serbian Firefighters' Association
Bosnia and Herzegovina Civil Protection Authority in both the Republika Srpska and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The SkillToolkit Live! Virtual Learning Environment and in the framework of in-service training, the Fire Brigades' Disaster Management experts and students of public education were trained on the following topics:
"Fighting forest and vegetation fires I-II",
"Fire fighting and forest and vegetation fire fighting and firefighting" "Small machinery operator skills" "Flood protection",
"First aid basics", and
"Preparing students for disaster situations".
In addition, the participants were also introduced to a number of useful practical skills in the field of damage restoration. During the on-site training, the firefighters carried out the exercises with the help of two special hybrid trailers developed in the framework of the project. Participants received a certificate of completion and the two hybrid trailers were given to their new owners to further assist firefighters in the rescue of disasters caused by climate change.
The efficient and successful training series, the online learning materials and disaster management tools provided as support, will help train additional firefighters during the maintenance period.
SkillDict Zrt.
Cégünk a GINOP-9.1.1-21 Kamatmentes Újraindítási Gyorskölcsön Hitelprogram keretében oktatási anyagok készítésében, tesztelésében vett részt.
Hitelprogram azonosító jele: H-EUGY1-095664/2021/450301/001
A finanszírozás a Covid19- világjárványra adott uniós válasz részeként történik.
Hitel összege: 10.000.000 HUF